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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

Deacons Deacons

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    Welcome to the Deacons webpage. The Deacons' mission is to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith.

    At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, we send cards to church members and visitors, maintain a Food Closet; support Brookside Elementary School with back to school supplies; fund the Hope Dining Room meals organized by Tracy Hardy; support the local "Laundry for the Lord" fund raiser; provide Holiday Food Baskets to local families at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas; run a "Furniture Ministry" that provides used furniture to families in need; and organize the Annual Church Picnic.

    We support community efforts through the Sunday Breakfast Missions "Hope Totes" campaign; Salvation Army's "Red Kettle" campaign, and Quilts for Comfort with a "Quilting Bee".

    You may contact any of the following deacons with questions or concerns:

    Julie Guns - Moderator; Kay DiStefano - Secretary

    Other Deacons: Diane Bart, Matt Kupelian, Brenda Saulsbury, Sue Staudt and Cliff Wood


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      2012 Lums Pond PicnicQuilts22012 Lums Pond PicnicQuilts for Comfort 20172012 Lums Pond Picnic
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